This application is designed to help you pass any exam or selective test that includes in its syllabus Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the legal regime of the public sector.Its strong points are:* Personalization of the contents, allowing you to select only the part you are interested in practicing.* Questions with specific references for better consultation of the subject.* Different error (and success) tracking modes.* Archive of all errors to perform tests only with the questions that are best reviewed.* Historical results archive.* Easy checking of progress made.* Different approaches on the same articles.* Includes a significant number of official questions.* Possibility of consulting the Law (to review anywhere).IMPORTANT:This app is not government nor does it have any type of government affiliation.Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector is public and its complete information is found in the B.O.E. ( This is the source of information based on which we create our questions to develop the tests.